Beyond the Buzzwords: Ace your Custom Packaging Design for Success 

Published 14 August 2024 | Case study

In times when shopping and retail are going through a massive digital transition, customers have access to more retailers than ever before.  

Imagine going from shopping on a street with 10 shops or at a mall with 30 shops to shopping online, where every retailer within a category can advertise to the same consumer.  

Competition amongst brands is at its peak as they are eyeing the same consumer in the digital space. However, bidding on keywords in paid search is not the only way to win them. 

Through effective marketing strategies that factor in the consumer needs at every stage and consistently connect with them at every touch point, you can build a strong brand identity embedded in your customers’ memory. Therefore, reflected in their purchase choices. 

Packaging is a powerful marketing channel to build connections, fast and early, with your consumers. It’s their first point of contact with the brand, both in eCommerce and retail. Studies have shown that packaging adds to the overall shopping experience and facilitates customers’ loyalty towards the brand. 

So how can you ace your packaging to win over the customers? 

Important Steps for Creating Memorable Customised and Branded Packaging  


PPI has helped many businesses create packaging that resonates with their customers and communicates their brand. We design packaging that serves as an exceptional marketing channel. 

Here are the top considerations from our experts, to guide brands and businesses in designing customised and branded packaging that succeeds: 

Start With Your Audience 

Design-wise, different characteristics can be leveraged to appeal to and resonate with the consumers of a particular age, social or location group. The same is also true for the tone of voice used throughout the copy.  

The first step in creating custom packaging that succeeds is to know the demographic details of your primary consumers and understand what binds them in a group! 

Once you have drawn the similarities between your consumers, our custom packaging designers will undertake market research and study your audience to determine what kind of packaging features will strike a chord with them. 

Add Your Branding to the Mix 

Customers remember brands for their unique brand identity. To reap the maximum benefits from your customised packaging, it’s essential for the packaging to communicate your brand clearly to your customers.  

The graphics (including images, colors and fonts) and the copy must be aligned across all your marketing channels, and therefore, must be incorporated in your product packaging. 

Exposure to cross-channel consistent branding will help your customers memorise your brand and become familiar with it on a psychological level. This sense of familiarity over time will result in the customers feeling confident and comfortable in making purchases from your brand. 

Make it Unique! 

In this part, we will add an element of surprise and create the “added value” that will complement your product through packaging. 

Our team of custom packaging experts is skilled and well-equipped to brainstorm packaging solutions that will fit perfectly with your product, brand, and audience. We have plenty of experience in designing collection-worthy packaging, so your customer will surely remember unboxing. 

A few ways to achieve this element of surprise, which adds to the overall excitement of owning the product include: 

  • Adding some interactive features 
  • Making the packaging purposeful and reusable 
  • Personalising it with customers’ details 
  • Adding elements of seasonality or trending themes for a capsule period 
  • Including sensory play through texture, fragrance, and sound 

Win Through Your Custom and Branded Packaging 


Packaging is no longer limited to product protection. It is an emerging marketing channel, leveraged by brands across industries to win customers. 

The packaging experts have been shedding a lot of light on the consumer psychology underlying the “unboxing” experience and how significant it has become in the marketing funnel. 

Packaging that is presented as elaborate, adds to the value and heightens the anticipation of receiving/using the product. This can positively impact the number of loyal customers of a brand and establish your brand as their go-to for future purchases. 

Bonus: unboxing an exciting packaging experience is one sure way to gather user-generated data and penetrate the niche audiences of micro-influencers – free of cost.  

Packaging creates curiosity and perfectly feeds the anticipation of consumers who cannot wait to meet the product. The moment of finally receiving the product and being surprised by the element of customised branded packaging will leave an impression on your customers. And they will begin associating your brand with positive characteristics that will help accelerate your sales. 

At PPI, our expert custom packaging designers can help you succeed with your packaging and guide you in creating a packaging experience that resonates with your audience. Get in touch with us today to begin designing custom-brand packaging for your products.  

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